Thursday, April 6, 2017

City Council Meeting

Hi everybody. As you know the apartment proposal is being pushed by the developer to the Lehi City Council. The council will be meeting on Tuesday, April 11 at 7 pm. Please attend so the city council will see that we are serious about this. In talking with the Planning Commission after our last meeting, the public attendance goes a long way. Power in numbers.

Before the meeting, please take the
 time to drop the city council an email. You may use the template I've attached, or you may write your own. Please be mindful of the following (this is advice I've received from past and present council members from other cities):

1. Present facts. Talk of view and home value is pleaded in every opposition and the city can't legally stop a building because of a blocked view or perceived lost property value.
2. Remain calm. Don't let your emotion get the best of you with mean comments or threats.

Here are some ideas for facts you can use:
1. The property is currently not zoned correctly and the City Planning Commission did not feel this was good use of zoned commercial property
2. This proposal was unanimously voted down by the City Planning Commission. With recommendations such as adversely affecting the health of the surrounding community, proposal does not fit in the city master plan, etc.
3. The proposed site is surrounded by single family residential homes on all sides (most are a single story). The size of the buildings does not fit the community.
4. Even if it were changed to the highest density residential (R-3) the proposed building violates Lehi zoning of 3 stories or 45 feet.
5. Proposed density of 20 units per acre violates Lehi R-3 zoning of a max of 12 units per acre.
6. 90 units will have a significant traffic impact on an already busy intersection, which brings greater safety concern for the hundreds of kids who walk to Fox Hollow Elementary and have to cross that intersection.

Lehi City Council:
Paige Albrecht – Council Member
Chris Condie – Council Member
Paul Hancock – Council Member
Johnny Revill – Council Member
Mike Southwick – Council Member

Thank you for your support!

Thursday, March 30, 2017

Developer is Still Pushing Apartment Complex

We just got word that the developer is still going to take his proposal for a 4 story apartment complex on the Bellaview property to the city council. From what we understand this is not a public hearing, but there may be an open mic at the end for general public concerns. Shawn Goodwin is going to see if he can get some council members to come out here to look at the property and show them our concerns, but it couldn't hurt to have several people call them so they know we're concerned. If we can get a meeting set up with several council members we would love to have as many people there as we can get. We also hope we can have a good showing again on April 11 at 7pm in the council chambers.

Thursday, March 23, 2017

Planning Commission Meeting Update-Victory!!

After a great presentation tonight by our neighborhood spokesmen (Ryan Hill, Lauren Schreiner, & Shawn Goodwin), as well as thoughtful comments from other concerned neighbors in surrounding neighborhoods, the Planning Commission did NOT approve the request for approval of the concept plan for Avalon Senior Apartments!! They gave a "negative recommendation" to the City Council- which is the next/final step which will be happening April 11. We had great attendance at the meeting and were able to fill the room to capacity and beyond (many standing out in the lobby!). We are so grateful to live among neighbors who truly take an interest in the quality of life in our neighborhood. Thank-you!!

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

More Details & Reasons Why We Are Opposed:

Tomorrow night the city is holding a Public Hearing regarding the Bellaview Property. It is at 7pm at the City Council Chambers in the Municipal Building located at 153 N 100 E.

PLEASE consider sending at least one representative from your family to attend. This is our only chance to give the city our input regarding the future of the land bordering our neighborhood!!
 We have heard from others, that the best way to get the city to listen to your concerns is to have STRENGTH in NUMBERS. We have two spokesmen at the microphone to represent our neighborhood by sharing our opposition to the size/scale of the 4 story apartments. So you can come be a silent observer if you want- but we are hoping to fill the room beyond capacity so that the Planning Commission gets the sense that we are a neighborhood who truly cares about their decision regarding this development.

Here's a quick recap of the facts:

It is proposed that there will be two 4 story APARTMENT buildings that will replace Bellaview Nursery. These are APARTMENTS (rentals) for active-senior-living ages 55+. This is NOT an assisted living center or nursing care facility. There will be 90 housing units, and 200+ parking stalls. There will be outdoor common areas for residents including a dog park.

It is also proposed that there be a "retail building" built on the corner near 1200 West. The exact nature of this building has not been shared.

The Bellaview property is NOT currently zoned for apartment buildings. The developer is seeking a "change in zoning" in order to accommodate their apartment buildings.

The Bellaview property is currently zoned a retail building would be appropriate given the current zoning guidelines.

Many of the concerns that have been shared include:

-Immediate lowering of property value in our neighborhood
-Increased traffic by the possibility of 200 cars coming in/out of the apartment complex throughout the day
-Increased traffic causing safety concerns for the children who use that route to walk to/from school each day.
-The lack of privacy to our homes/yards by future apartment residents who will be able to see down into our neighborhood. This is also a safety concern given the number of children in the area.
-The size/scale of the apartment building looking "out of place" in an otherwise single-family residential area. There are no other 4 story buildings in the area.
-The opening of 1050 W to becoming a through street. Safety of kids walking through parking lot. We propose closing the road off with a crash gate.

I'm sure there are other concerns, but these were the main ones I remember being discussed. Please reach out and share this info with friends in surrounding neighborhoods who you feel may be impacted. 

Plans for 4-Story Apartment Buildings

Here are the links for the developers plans:

Here is a mock up what the building would look like from the south neighborhood (1050 West)



City Council Meeting

Hi everybody. As you know the apartment proposal is being pushed by the developer to the Lehi City Council. The council will be meeting on T...